JCPA Head Dan Diker: “We really have to think out of the box”


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Dr. Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs (photo credit: Guy Sidi)
Dr. Dan Diker, President of the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, addressed the need for innovative thinking in Israeli diplomacy in light of the recent geopolitical shifts post the October 7 Hamas attack. Speaking at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference, Diker underscored the ideological and strategic challenges Israel faces, advocating for a transition from a defensive to an assertive diplomatic approach to counter misconceptions and forge new regional realities.
Yousef, another speaker at the conference, emphasized the deep-rooted ideological conflict, highlighting that for many Muslims, Palestine is used as a tool against Israel. He voiced strong opposition to a two-state solution, arguing that the Palestinian Authority poses a greater threat than Hamas. Diker also announced the renaming of the organization to the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, reflecting its expanded role in bridging the West with the Arab Muslim majority East through strategic and communication initiatives (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) (המרכז הירושלמי לענייני ציבור ומדינה) (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs).
For more details, you can visit the original article here.