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PA Breaches of the Oslo Accords

PMW video documentary: “Leave: The origins of Palestinian refugees” (in their own words)

Image Source:
MEMRI TV Website

Arab refugees tell their personal stories: It was Arab leaders, Arab armies, and the Arab media that caused the Arabs to flee and become refugees

During Israel's War of Independence, approximately 750,000 Arabs left their homes in Israel and the PA has made blaming Israel for their exile a significant part of their narrative. However, interviews with refugees and articles show that the Arab media and leaders are actually to blame for creating fear and giving orders to leave. The Arab world has also refused to take responsibility for the refugee issue. Even though some Arabs remained in Israel and gained equal rights, the PA continues to falsely blame Israel. If they acknowledged the truth and worked towards settling refugees in Arab states, it could greatly contribute to peace.


The PA covers up murder, while Hamas celebrates it and congratulates the murderer

Spotlight on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict (September 10 – 17 , 2024)

Palestinian Authority Presents Terrorists Who Perpetrated Attacks As Innocent Young Civilians Killed By Israel

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